Printable shortcut cheat sheet.
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts [Special contexts] | Command ID |
Break line | Enter [Text Editor, Report Designer, Windows Forms Designer] or Shift+Enter [Text Editor] | Edit.BreakLine |
Collapse to definitions | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+O [Text Editor] | Edit.CollapseToDefinitions |
Comment selection | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C [Text Editor] | Edit.CommentSelection |
Complete word | Alt+Right Arrow [Text Editor, Workflow Designer] or Ctrl+Spacebar [Text Editor, Workflow Designer] or Ctrl+K, W [Workflow Designer] or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+W [Workflow Designer] | Edit.CompleteWord |
Copy | Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert | Edit.Copy |
Cut | Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete | Edit.Cut |
Delete | Delete [Team Explorer] or Shift+Delete [Sequence Diagram, UML Activity Diagram, Layer Diagram] or Ctrl+Delete [Class Diagram] | Edit.Delete |
Find | Ctrl+F | Edit.Find |
Find all references | Shift+F12 | Edit.FindAllReferences |
Find in files | Ctrl+Shift+F | Edit.FindinFiles |
Find next | F3 | Edit.FindNext |
Find next selected | Ctrl+F3 | Edit.FindNextSelected |
Format document | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D [Text Editor] | Edit.FormatDocument |
Format selection | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F [Text Editor] | Edit.FormatSelection |
Go to | Ctrl+G | Edit.GoTo |
Go to declaration | Ctrl+F12 | Edit.GoToDeclaration |
Go to definition | F12 | Edit.GoToDefinition |
Go to find combo | Ctrl+D | Edit.GoToFindCombo |
Go to next location | F8 | Edit.GoToNextLocation |
Insert snippet | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+X | Edit.InsertSnippet |
Insert tab | Tab [Report Designer, Windows Forms Designer, Text Editor] | Edit.InsertTab |
Line cut | Ctrl+L [Text Editor] | Edit.LineCut |
Line down extend column | Shift+Alt+Down Arrow [Text Editor] | Edit.LineDownExtendColumn |
Line open above | Ctrl+Enter [Text Editor] | Edit.LineOpenAbove |
List members | Ctrl+J [Text Editor, Workflow Designer] or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L [Workflow Designer] or Ctrl+K, L [Workflow Designer] | Edit.ListMembers |
Navigate to | Ctrl+, | Edit.NavigateTo |
Open file | Ctrl+Shift+G | Edit.OpenFile |
Overtype mode | Insert [Text Editor] | Edit.OvertypeMode |
Parameter info | Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar [Text Editor, Workflow Designer] or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P [Workflow Designer] or Ctrl+K, P [Workflow Designer] | Edit.ParameterInfo |
Paste | Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert | Edit.Paste |
Peek definition | Alt+F12 [Text Editor] | Edit.PeekDefinition |
Redo | Ctrl+Y or Shift+Alt+Backspace or Ctrl+Shift+Z | Edit.Redo |
Replace | Ctrl+H | Edit.Replace |
Select all | Ctrl+A | Edit.SelectAll |
Select current word | Ctrl+W [Text Editor] | Edit.SelectCurrentWord |
Selection cancel | Esc [Text Editor, Report Designer, Settings Designer, Windows Forms Designer, Managed Resources Editor] | Edit.SelectionCancel |
Surround with | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+S (available only in Visual Studio 2019 and earlier) | Edit.SurroundWith |
Tab left | Shift+Tab [Text Editor, Report Designer, Windows Forms Editor] | Edit.TabLeft |
Toggle all outlining | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+L [Text Editor] | Edit.ToggleAllOutlining |
Toggle bookmark | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K [Text Editor] | Edit.ToggleBookmark |
Toggle completion mode | Ctrl+Alt+Space [Text Editor] | Edit.ToggleCompletionMode |
Toggle outlining expansion | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+M [Text Editor] | Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion |
Uncomment selection | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U [Text Editor] | Edit.UncommentSelection |
Undo | Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace | Edit.Undo |
Word delete to end | Ctrl+Delete [Text Editor] | Edit.WordDeleteToEnd |
Word delete to start | Ctrl+Backspace [Text Editor] | Edit.WordDeleteToStart |